Annie Wong

音頻版: 華人怎樣做盟友

針對反種族主義的中文資源缺乏而創作的《華人怎樣做盟友》要求華人讀者考慮 成為移民定居者意味著什麽;如何解決 華人社區內部的反黑人和反原住民偏見;以及如何挑戰模範少數族裔概念及其與白人至上主義的共謀。與標題相反, 本書並未嘗試提供“操作方法”指南。相反,藝術家黃秀盈和學者陳晨通過邀請華人讀者進入BIPOC社區的朋友、藝術家和研究人員之間的親密對話,為學習和忘卻的實踐提供了一個可行的切入點。

 《華人怎樣做盟友》包括對Fiona Raye Clarke、Jae Sterling和Melissa Chung Mowat的采訪;編輯的文章,Jason Li的漫畫,以及Robyn Maynard、Gary Pieters和真相與和解委員會的關鍵文本的翻譯節選。《華人怎樣做盟友》是與陳晨合作製作的,也是黃秀盈在安大略省萬錦市Varley藝術館的社區藝術家駐場項目的一部分,以及卡爾加裏市公共藝術項目與新畫廊合作委托的卡爾加裏中國城藝術家駐場項目。

About How to be a Chinese Ally 

Created during the pandemic in response to the lack of Chinese language anti-racism resources, How to be a Chinese Ally asks its Chinese readers to consider what it means to be an immigrant settler; how to address the internal anti-Black and anti-Indigenous bias within Chinese communities; and how to challenge the model minority concept and its complicity with white supremacy. Contrary to the title, this book makes no attempts to provide a “how-to” guide. Instead, artist Annie Wong, and academic Chen Chen offer an accessible entry point into a practice of learning and unlearning by inviting Chinese readers into intimate conversations among friends, artists, and researchers within the BIPOC community.  

Parastoo Anoushahpour

The Time That Separates Us

The Time That Separates Us is a project created parallel to the making of a short film with the same title. What unfolds here is a constellation of works by Bayan Kiwan, Joud Halawani Al-Tamimi, Haneen Dajani, Firas Hamdan, and  Khalid Odeh produced during a research group that took place in the spring of 2019 under the name My Mother is a Fish at the MMAG Foundation in Amman, Jordan. Through a series of writing exercises that often took place along the Jordan River and around the key sites of the film, we found ways to speak of geology, politics, and sexuality, using a language that acknowledged the contradictory symbolism of these sites while allowing for gaps in meaning, in which empathy, desire, and organic intelligence could operate.These writings are accompanied by sketches for the film, as well as videos and images that either formed or supported the project.


Serena Lee

Opposite Day

Opposite Day plays with notions of contradiction, separation, and dissonance. This conversation-based project winks at language and its limits through embodied study. Through a year-long series of one-on-one encounters, Serena Lee studied with artists, writers, and makers Alix Eynaudi, Leonardiansyah Allenda, Sameer Farooq, Giles Bailey, Ruthia Jenrbekova, Fan Wu, and Sanne Oorthuizen. We studied through reiki, visualizing meditations, drawing, (song) writing, walking, 氣功 qigong, and visiting museums. In November 2021, we convened The opposite of an opposite, a gathering that brought together these study partners and conversations, with a talk by complementary medicine practitioner, Lynn Teo, giving insights on 陰陽 yinyang as the operational logic of opposites.